Should I Write my Own Will? Write a DIY Will?

In Malaysia, anyone can prepare a Will, but the question is whether the Will drawn up in accordance with the Wills Act 1959 as well as whether it fulfills the wishes of the testator. There are also necessary formalities and rules about beneficiaries, witnesses and executors of the Will.

If you have written your DIY Will, is it within the ambit of various laws – such as guardianship, family inheritance, Wills Act and trust? Your DIY Will may be ineffective and invalid if it is improperly written and as a result may cause hardship to your family members. Even a Will with simple mistakes can lead your executors and beneficiaries to unnecessary and costly litigation and distress. You may save money now, but it will cost your family more to repair the damage later.

Therefore, you are recommended to consult a Professional Estate Planner or a lawyer who would be in a better position to advise you and draft a Will for you.

The Will written by Rockwills are drafted and vetted by our in-house Legal Advisors. The Legal Advisors are experts and have written thousands of Wills. Experience and specialization by the Legal Advisors following all the Legal clauses/precedents ensure that the contents of the Wills are valid and fulfill the wishes of the testator.

The Professional Estate Planners are facilitating the finalization of the Wills according to the wishes of the testator meaning we tailor made each Will to each client’s position. The service provided by the Professional Estate Planner ensures that instruction given by the testator is in the comfort and convenience of the testator’s home or office.

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